Head to Head
England Australia
Matches: 134 Tied: 2 N/R: 3
Matches Won
50 79
Home Wins
27 44
Away Wins
21 29
Highest Score
333 342
Lowest Score
86 70
Highest Total Chased
269 333
Lowest Total Defended
171 180
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Oh Yes, a good NEWS for cricket fans and England supporters a hot O.D.I series is still open a England at least won a match which is 3rd in the series, they completed their fifty successes in One day internationals against Australia ever, series is 2-1 in favor of Australia, match number is going to be played on 11th September, 2015, which would a decider of the series of able to refer the decider to 5th match of the series in the case draw/tied or a win for England, Australia looking for a win to overcome their revenge in Ashes series this summer, Hope for a very good match as this series in looking batting first series, A team who batted first won all the matches, no matter Australia or England, cricket is at its best, we need to focus upon the
ball by ball details of the 4th ODI cricket match.
Toss can play a vital role, both psychologically and physically as well, batting first series of Australia and England is always amazing in the history, these two team has played most cricket matches each other in home away series. Cricket at its best.
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