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It is the first test match of the series between Bangladesh and South Africa, while Bangladesh cricket team is world number 7 in oneday format these days for the first time in history of Bangladesh Cricket, having better icc ranking than West Indies (number 8) & Pakistan (number 9), Pakistan and west Indies have won the one day cricket world cup of ICC, West Indies has very valueable players in thier team while Pakistan the most unpredictible cricket team of the world.
Bangladesh white washed Pakistan & New Zealand, while a 2-1 series against India made them real tigers of home cricket, South Africa visiting them these days have won T20 series with a white wash lead of 2-0.

One day series between Bangladesh and South Africa has been decided in the favor of Bangal Tigers by 2-1, WLW against South Africa.
Equation is little bit different now because South Africa has better ranking in Test Cricket although they would have in one day cricket too, Bangladesh cricket team has to change its mindset to win the test series, in a test match one team need to bold out the opposition twice to claim a straight forward win, On the other hand batsman has to play thier natural game in modren test cricket but with better short selection and with slightly calm mod at the creaze.

Pakistan cricket team beat them in a test match and won the series by 1-0, but Bangladesh team got an edge by drawing frist test match of the said series which was thier best performance against Pakistan in any test series till now, Bangladesh team has the ability to bat for three days and take 20 wickets in two days, this is what all bangladeshi team should know, Cricket team of South Africa is not a soft or sweet cack but they are chokers, while test cricket is the game of nerves in fact, a team making 300 to 450 runs in its frist innings but 450 rns would never been made in fourth innings, Current Ashes series is the best Example of the above said claim, Recently Pakistan cricket team achieved a target of 377 in thier fourth innings which should give some charge to Ex. East Pakistani (Bangladeshi) boys.
First test is going to start today which would be a crunchy match as South Africa having a long experience of beating all test playing nations in test cricket while Bangladesh cricket team is struggling in this format as they were failed to switch the format in thier minds, A draw would be an achievement for Bangladesh but they can win this match and series as well because they a complete fighting squad in one day cricket, stay on pitch as a batsman without playing blind shorts, bowlling wicket to wicket for 20 wickets of South Africa would the key to success while it is always a key to success for any test playing nation.
A real conflict of tesy cricket world is online with option of highlights available by clicking here Live cricket stream for such a big match would be amazing, this series can change the fate of Bangladesh Cricket, South Africans the team of fighters/chokers will have to prove some thing other than Pakistan and Indian Cricket teams, This series can cause another winner in the test cricket as Bangladesh has all the abilities to grab the test series as well because they have thier moral at the peak as they would have won the world cup..Toss would have its importance as we seen in the current Ashes that itis going to be "batting frist" Ashes series this summer but Banglaesh has nothing to loose only they need to cjanfe thier mind, My repeatition of words is only for Bangladesh to come on Bangal Tigers.if you would win it would not be a upset at all.

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